Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My Tiredness

Apologies for the lack of posts, but as the title of this post suggests, I've just been really tired. My sleep pattern has gone completely out of the window, and whenever I do manage to get to sleep, it's really erratic.

Let me explain;-

I usually finish my shift around 8am, go home, and go to sleep. I wake around 1-2pm, and get up. This way I can actually do something with my day, and I have a vague semblance of a social life. I then return to my bed between 7 and 8pm, and sleep till 10:30pm. I get up, shower, and dash to work in time for my 11pm shift start (got to love being male - it only takes me 8 minutes to get fully dressed and ready. My female flatmate on the other hand has to get up an hour and a half before her shift to be able to prepare).

Recently however, I have finished my shift at 8am, gone home, and not been able to sleep. I eventually drift off around 10am, and sleep till 3pm. This is just late enough, that when I try to sleep again around 8pm, I cannot. However, it does make me nice and tired for my shift. When I finish the shift though, it's the same story. I cannot sleep.

On the plus side, I have a few days holiday coming up and should be able to recharge. I hear Hungary is nice this time of year, and I'm currently learning some phrases to help me chat to women (might as well try).

Till then, I suppose I'll just have to get used to being exhausted, and hope I don't fall asleep on shift.

That said, is it a problem if the only manager/employee present at the hotel during the night is asleep?