Monday, December 10, 2007

My Face

Another hard week at the hotel. Weddings everywhere, and not a bag of change in sight. Silly reception manager...

There's a saying going round the hotel that you can tell how long someone has worked there by looking at their face. The more bags under the eyes, crows feet, and stress lines on the forehead, the longer the term of service.

One of the bar staff informed me that I look like a zombie. I scare him when I appear in the hallways or behind the bar - It helps that I wear mostly black and walk VERY quietly.

Go figure.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

My Misunderstanding

Wow! It's been a long time since I've posted, but I have returned from my holiday!

The most useful phrase I learnt whilst being away, was the Hungarian for "I don't understand". Strangely appropriate therefore, that when I return to work I witness the funniest misunderstanding I've seen in quite some time.

2 receptionists are due on duty as we have a lot of check-outs, but one of them has called in sick. As a result, I am staying on for a couple of hours just to cover the peak departure time and relieve some of the pressure from the remaining receptionist.

I have just finished up on reception, and am in the lobby telling a guest who has just checked out that her taxi has arrived. The morning duty manager, who has only just arrived on shift and has not been informed of our sick receptionist or my continued presence, walks over and says, jokingly I might add;-

"What are you still doing here? Go home!"

The guest I am speaking with turns and looks at her appalled, till I address the guest with;-

"Oh, don't worry, she's speaking to me, not you!"

I don't think I will ever forget the look of embarrassment on our duty manager's face as she realised what she had just done. Priceless.

P.S. Hungary was lovely, people all very nice, but bloody freezing!