Monday, December 10, 2007

My Face

Another hard week at the hotel. Weddings everywhere, and not a bag of change in sight. Silly reception manager...

There's a saying going round the hotel that you can tell how long someone has worked there by looking at their face. The more bags under the eyes, crows feet, and stress lines on the forehead, the longer the term of service.

One of the bar staff informed me that I look like a zombie. I scare him when I appear in the hallways or behind the bar - It helps that I wear mostly black and walk VERY quietly.

Go figure.


James (UK) said...

My girlfriend does nothing but watch "wedding tv" stuff on Sky at the moment.

From your side of the coin, what's the worst thing about weddings for you and / or the hotel?

The bride's last minute demands? The mess? The noise?

D said...

I think I'd have to go with putting up with the drunks that sit in the bar till 5am, making loads of noise and demanding drinks and food, whilst I'm trying to deal with all the complaints that come in from other guests.

That or reception being useless, and I'm left telling guests trying to check in that we're overbooked and haven't got rooms for them...

James (UK) said...

Just what is it about alcohol? It seems to cause so many problems for so many people...

My pet peeve is noisy drunks when I stay in a hotel too.

cogidubnus said...

It's a very quiet hotel this one...