Sunday, July 29, 2007

My Bribe

First off, I'd like to apologise for my slight absence. The hotel is in a bit of a state currently as a fair number of upper management have left and the more lazy staff are now un-managed, meaning they're doing as little work as possible. This in turn means the more motivated staff are having to work much harder to pick up the slack.

Additionally, I managed to burn my hand quite badly and typing became a bit of a challenge.

Anyway, I felt I should discuss my bribes.

At night, it becomes a bit of a challenge to ensure that the bar remains quiet and under control, so as not to wake up or disturb guests in the surrounding rooms. Whilst attempting to do this, we are often offered bribes.

Bribes can vary from;-

a) Drinks - The most common bribe, though I can't drink on duty and I drive home when I finish so I really don't want it

b) Cash - Usually around £20-£40, though I was once offered £1000 if I would 'look-the-other-way' and arrange for a prostitute

c) Food - Occurs when guests have brought food into the bar and I tell them they can only eat it in their rooms (I get offered Dominos about twice a month)


d) Cigarettes - A bit redundant as I don't smoke, but becoming more popular as the smoking ban means I am forcing people outside and the instant reaction is to offer me one if I let them stay

However, I had a group in the bar recently who went above and beyond the standard bribery.

I asked them to go outside to smoke, and so they offered me a cigarette.

I told them I needed to see the hotel identification they were given on check-in before I could serve them, and they offered me a drink.

They wanted me to undercharge them, and in return they'd give me cash.

And then they excelled themselves...

"Mate, do you mind if I rack up on the table?"

"You'd like another round?" - He's been asking me previously to 'rack up' drinks

"No, no. Do you mind if I rack up some lines of coke?"

"Yes, I mind"

"Why? No one else will see. We're the only ones here"

"That's irrelevant, sir. You cannot take drugs in the bar"

"Oh come on! You can have some!"

That's the first time I've been offered drugs by a guest, and I'm almost surprised it hadn't happened sooner.


Al said...

I'm still trying to work out the point of them giving you cash to undercharge them. Surely it would have been cheaper or about the same to pay the correct price anyway.

D said...

Sorry, I should have explained that in more detail.

Because the hotel bar doesn't make cocktails, if someone wants them I have to charge by the shot. This means that, a 'Fuzzy Navel' for example costs £17.

They wanted 3 such cocktails, but for me to charge them as 3 shots of vodka. Works out a good £40 cheaper...

In return, they'd slip me a tenner!

James (UK) said...

It seems morals and general standards are so low now, people think nothing of doing "illegal" stuff like that... *sigh*

Working with computers and that on a helpdesk, I wonder if anyone will ever ring me up and offer me a brand new hard drive if I'll just unlock their user account. ;-)

Al said...

Ah, that makes more sense, thanks for the additional explanation.

Nobody ever tries to bribe me. Although now that I've said that it's bound to happen.

Manuel said...

I would say it's unbelievable but I know it's true. I get offered money to get unbooked guests a table. As if I have a secret stash of secret tables that we keep incase the Queen or Tom Cruise shows up. Get's on my wick....