Sunday, February 17, 2008

My Valentine's Day

Joy of joys, I had the dubious privilege of working this Valentine's Day.

On a personal level, I'm not too bothered by this. My girlfriend told me she didn't want to take it too seriously and so didn't want a large fuss. This was clearly a lie, but by working Valentine's Day I managed to juggle my days off to match hers so she's happy (because now I can make a bigger fuss over it).

On a professional level, I don't like working Valentine's Day. And here's why;-


a) No matter how sexy your partner thinks you are, I really don't want to see you at reception wearing just a bathrobe - Because she's wrong

b) If you insist on having drinks in the bar before retiring to your room for the main event of the evening, WAIT TILL YOU GET TO THE ROOM!! - It's difficult to keep a straight face whilst being told by an elderly couple that someone is getting 'frisky' in the bar

c) If you insist on hiring someone for the night, I don't want to become involved in your little games - Telling me that someone will come to the front desk and ask for T-Rex is just wrong


a) All of the above - Why do you let him behave this way?!

b) If you're going to get in a fight with your partner, please don't sit in reception crying - Sit in the bar, hopefully it will make everyone else go to bed

c) Please try to maintain a civil volume - Enjoying yourself is one thing, waking up the rooms on either side is another

Sexist and stereotypical I know, but the results don't lie...

Friday, February 8, 2008

My Interview II

A while ago I wrote about carrying out interviews for new staff. Having now searched for and found a new job, I thought I would share my view of the flipside - Going to interviews.

a) If I am underqualified for the position, why bother calling me for an interview? Surely you could have gathered this from my CV.

b) I don't care if you don't call me to let me know if I got the position or not, unless you specifically said you would. Touch irritating.

c) I don't really mind where the interview takes place, however I think it a little inappropriate to do it in the bar when some old man is celebrating his 80th birthday and there are children running around screaming their heads off.

And my personal favourite.

d) If I have driven 45 minutes to come to this interview, I would appreciate it if you asked me more than 2 questions (one of which was, "Is there anything you'd like to ask me?")!

I have never before had an interview that lasted 3 minutes (and that was dragged out whilst I finished my tea).

I then had to drive back through rush hour, so it works out as;-

Interview Time - 3 Minutes

Driving Time - 1 Hour 55 Minutes

I was not amused.