Friday, May 4, 2007

My Outrageous Guests

Tonight, I had the worst guests I think I've ever served. This is due to a combination of things they did/said, and then culminating in the absolute worst thing I've ever seen done by a guest.

The guests were a couple and were middle-aged.

They started off by not listening to me, which I just find rude...

(The woman began...)

She had been drinking port all night and had been mixing it with coke. I'd been giving her the port in port glasses, which she'd been tipping into a tall glass. However, for some bizarre reason, port was incredibly popular tonight. This meant that by their third round, I had run out of port glasses.

"Are you going to mix it?"

"No, just on it's own" (damn, I was hoping to just give it to her in a tall glass).

"Sorry, I'll just need a minute so I can go find another port glass."

She looks at me like I'm stupid, and says "Don't bother, put it in any glass. I'm just gonna mix it" - I'm beginning to dislike them

They went on to yell at me...

(It was now the man's turn...)

"I'd like... blah blah blah"

"Sorry, just so you know, because of the hour I can't take cash or card payments. I can only charge to the room and to do that I'll need to see the identification that reception gave you when you checked in"

"It's 5 to!" - (I checked my watch. My manager has emptied my till 4 minutes earlier than he should have)

"I'm terribly sorry, there's nothing I can do. My manager has already emptied my till and taken it offline."


"Yes, Sir, as are you. I haven't done anything. The manager has taken my till, I can't do anything. If you like, I can get the manager and you can speak to him."

"NO! I'M GOING TO YELL AT YOU!" - I'm past dislike, I now hate these guests

They then showed what kind of people they really were...

I had been serving them for several hours, and had noticed a strange egg-shaped object on the table in front of them. When I went to clear glasses, I got a better look at it. It looked kind of like a baby monitor. When I cleared glasses a second time, I got an even better look and was able to read it. It WAS a baby monitor.

I went and checked with reception - There are no guests staying in the hotel with babies

I then went and listened to their conversation - They were definitely not guests at the hotel, but they lived locally.

So, in summary, they have gone out to have a drink, have decided to pay extortionate hotel prices for these drinks, and have taken out a baby monitor instead of paying for a babysitter!

What happens if the baby starts crying? How long will it take them to get home and find out what's wrong?!

When I told my flatmate about this, she asked what happens if someone attacks the baby? - Unlikely, but taken to extremes, yes! What does happen if someone attacks the baby?!

I looked up the baby monitor on the Internet when I got home to find out it's range. Even if they lived next door to the hotel, there's no way it would work.

In my opinion, people like this should not be allowed to raise children.

I'd really like feedback on this, so if you're reading please do post a comment. Am I overreacting?

Additionally, I read a similar post on 'Barista Brat's' blog. I can't believe I read her post and then had this happen so soon after.


A.Bananna said...

I was blog hopping when I found your blog. I read your story and I do not think you are over reacting at all. THose people should not have kids. What if something really wrong happened??

Anonymous said...

You aren't fact I think you have a case for phoning the police and expressing concern for the infant left alone...In fact I know it...was I you I'd do it...

Anonymous said...

At first I thought my reaction would be to make the parents feel guilty; implying casually to them all of the things that could happen to a child alone in the night... But then they were unnecessarily twatish to you, so I would have called social services, partially because you would have a strong case for doing so, but mainly just to make their lives a little bit more difficult. Perhaps not a morally right reason to report bad people, but it all comes to the same thing... And it would feel good.

Arriva Driver said...

You are not over-reacting.

I would seriously consider alerting the police or specific organisation about what you saw or suspect.

Pizza Hut Team Member said...

Are you 100% sure it was a baby monitor? Because on Amazon I have seen 'Grobag Egg' - which is a thermometer for babies rooms. If you are right though, that's terrible.

caramaena said...

If that really was a baby monitor then they should be reported. The baby crying is the least of things to worry about.

Thanks for visiting my blog :)

D said...

I wasn't sure the first time I saw it and thought it might just be something that looked like a baby monitor.

But then, I read the writing on it and was able to look it up on the internet at home later. It was definitely a baby monitor.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope that they weren't being paid to babysit someone else's baby with the intention of legging it back to the address before the parents got home!!!!!! Wonder if the disappearance of Madeleine McCann will have a beneficial effect and prevent them from abandoning a child/their child in the future......probably not as that was in Portugal and far from home.

Anonymous said...

That's sick

SkippyMom said...

I just found your blog today...and I agree with the other were definitely NOT overreacting. In fact, in light of what happened to that little girl in Portugal when her parents just "popped next door" for a bite should be a warning to those dolts you had to serve.

I would have reported them for child endangerment and sheer stupidity.

Love the blog, keep up the great work [I found you from Pizza Hut Team player!]

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