Thursday, May 3, 2007

My Time Out of Uniform

Inspired by 'Al's' post on his blog 'Life On A Roll of Film' about being recognised outside of work, I decided to write about my time out of uniform.

When at work, I dress VERY smartly. The uniform is incredibly formal and neat. Outside of work, I dress much more simply. However, during one night's stay at the hotel people spend on average between 2-3 hours in the bar. This means that I do not have to be seen in my uniform for people to recognise me. They've spent several hours either talking to me and/or being in close proximity to me! - Though, occasionally they will have been so drunk that they cannot remember this, and if I greet them in the street they look a bit puzzled.

If someone is very drunk, and I refuse to serve them, they tend to yell at me - This doesn't bother me

If someone realises I don't care about being yelled at, and I'm not going to change my mind about serving them, they will occasionally ask to see my manager - This also doesn't bother me

If someone yells at me, asks to see my manager, and he also tells them they're too drunk to be served and if they don't calm down he'll escort them out of the hotel, people tend to get the message and go to bed - This makes me happy

If I then see the guest in town the next day, and they're sober, I cross the street and hope they don't see me - At work, I'm paid for the privilege of being yelled at by drunken idiots. In my personal time, I just don't need it.

Thankfully, most guests are sensible enough to realise this, and having sobered up can see I was just doing my job. Some are so ashamed about their behaviour the night before, they'll cross the road before I can and avoid me. Some just scowl at me.

However, there can be positives to being recognised outside of work. I wandered into a restaurant with my flatmate and bumped into an American couple who stay at the hotel frequently and spend most of their time in the bar, usually chatting to me quite extensively. They bought me lunch!

Another couple went out of their way to invite me out with them, asking me while I was working what days I was free and where I'd like to go. Again, free meal! - Bearing in mind I once spent a week living off 8p basics noodles from Sainsbury's to save money, a free meal is a godsend...


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