Friday, April 27, 2007

My Coupon

I read 'Lobster Boy's' blog recently, and it set me thinking about coupons.

In theory, I have nothing against coupons. I can understand the marketing strategy behind them. I quite enjoy using them as I like getting products at a cheaper price than they would otherwise be. I don't even mind taking them, assuming the person understands the coupon and isn't going to argue with me about what it entitles them to. As far as tips go, in my experience coupon-users tip less than other guests. I think this is because they are only in the hotel because they're getting something for free, so will be looking to spend as little as possible. A tip is not necessary, therefore not given.

What does annoy me, is when a guest hands me a coupon, and I have absolutely no idea what it is. This is not because the guest has scribbled on it, or made notes, or covered it in some sticky substance. This is because the clever person in marketing who arranged for the coupons to be distributed, didn't feel that the people who would actually have to deal with them should be told about them.

I have never once been told about a coupon promotion currently running. Thankfully, I don't receive coupons very often. However, every time I have I have had to smile politely to the guest, and then excuse myself, either ducking into the back room to look the card over and attempt to work out their bill myself or running to reception to demand someone explain it to me.

Reception staff are not told either.

If neither of us can work it out, reception will then call our marketing department and request an explanation. We'll be told we're idiots, but after an unnecessary amount of verbal abuse we we will eventually have the promotion explained to us. I then have to walk back to the bar, apologise to the customers for keeping them waiting, and prepare their bill for them. Once they have left, I can assess the bar and see just how far behind I now am due to the time it's taken me to give one guest a bill. If it's the evening not a problem, but during a lunch time rush a 5 minute delay could later cost me 20 minutes of catch-up.


Coupons = Good
Marketing Staff = Idiots


Lobster Boy said...

Thanks for the link, reference, comment and your visit to my blog!

Lobster Boy

caramaena said...

I think the idiocy of marketing departments must be part of whatever degree or training they get.

Where I work we'll often find out about our promotions from our customers as well (unless it's a huge promotion, which means instead it will be seriously messed up).

Anonymous said...

Yes! That was a major pet peeve of mine when I worked in Hotels, the lack of communication from Sales/Marketing, leaving you standing with egg on your face in front of the guests.

I worked in Reception and we had a luxury break package which should include champagne breakfast but neither us, nor Reservations nor F & B knew if this was first morning only, or for the entire duration of the stay. In the end those of us on the front line just made it up as we went along.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.