Monday, April 16, 2007

My Fault

Every week, we have new stock delivered.

Every week, the day before new stock is delivered, we have run out of something.

Every week, the day before new stock is delivered, and we have run out of something, a guest blames me.

I am not in charge of ordering stock.

I am not even that high up the chain of command. I am in fact on the bottom rung, above only the people I am given to train.

Yet, whenever we don't have someone's drink in stock, it's my fault. I have had guests sigh, laugh, walk away, insult me, and even ask to speak to my manager. I don't see the point in asking to see my manager, as instead of asking him why he's too useless to order enough stock to last a week, they just want to ask him for their drink.

To me, this implies that they either:-

a) Think I'm lying
b) Think I'm deliberately being unhelpful

To their defence however, if I went into a bar and found that they had run out of Coke, I'd be annoyed. Yet, when we ran out of Coke, we had 8 crates of Diet Coke delivered the next day...

So, if a bar doesn't have the drink you want in stock, don't blame the bar staff. For one thing, it's not their fault. Also, they won't care and you're just wasting your time. And theirs.

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